Sunday, 20 January 2013

Running in a Raymond Briggs Cartoon

For those of you who don't know, my friend PVS and I have signed up for the Outlaw, Iron distance triathlon on July 7th 2013. That is a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile cycle and then a full 26.4 mile marathon. Yes, all in one day. In under 17 hours in fact and yes, I wonder where our sanity was when we signed up for it, but here we are. We have spent the money, our names are on the list, we just need to train now.

So this is the end of week 3 of Ironman Training... I could fool myself and claim it's week 4, but honestly, I don't think Christmas week counts.

This is the Base Phase of training. We are training 6 days a week (twice 2 days a week), and we are tired, and I can't speak for PVS but I am constantly hungry! We were not unfit to start with, having reduced our training levels a little since we completed our first Olympic distance in October 2012, but this is a whole new ball game.

We have our training bible, Don Fink's "Be Iron Fit" (thanks to Melanie for the tip off) and so far things are mostly going well. I pulled a muscle in my leg on last Sunday's run but that seems to have recovered nicely with some ice and avoiding running for a few days.

However this weekend winter hit Kent and we got a wee sprinkling of the white stuff which meant that the usual Saturday ride was cancelled and I had to do my Sunday run without T2 cycling with me. Great run though, it might have been slow plodding but the views were stunning and I felt like I was running in a Raymond Briggs cartoon. Now for a nice hot bath :-)

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