Sunday, 28 April 2013

Thank Goodness for a Recovery Week

After ending the previous week so exhausted a recovery week was such a relief.

My swim was a 20 minute time trial, and I might have hit my 50 lengths a few seconds under 20 minutes if the girl in front of me understood the concept of fast, medium and slow lanes.  I appreciate that we are all of various levels of ability and I am often far from being the fastest in the fast lane, but some people really do spoil it for everyone else.

On Friday I decided that it was time to tackle my demons as I pulled my trainers on. As I warmed up I felt great which was a relief. I wondered how fast I could go for 3 miles. The last session was about 27 minutes I think, shaving a minute off of my PB. Not fast by some standards, but good for me. Flogging myself to my absolute limit I shaved another 2 minutes off finishing in 25:16. The residents of FOG must have thought I was mad as I ran up and down the main street in the village.

Saturday wasn't as warm as the previous few days which might explain why there were only 7 of us out. Trying to ascertain whether my Garmin issues were user errors or just a duff toy Valerie kindly uploaded a route for me, the idea being we would both have the route if mine went wrong. Not quite sure what happened, but we ended up off route and over all did just over 29 miles. That's fine whilst we are riding on local roads, but I'm starting to worry about the imminent trips to France, Holland and Belgium! Looks like it will be back to good old maps.

Heading out for my only run on the day on Sunday the sun was out and it was lovely to be off road again.. until the stomach aches started at 35 minutes. It certainly helps with the sprint to get home, believe me, you don't want to read any more details than that. Passing my front door at 57 minutes I made a quick pit stop, then went out for another 3 minutes just to make sure that I hit my target time :-)

Only having the one run has given me some time back in my day, so I have used it productively and set up a justgiving account.  If you would like to sponsor me, I am fund raising for the Jane Tomlinson Appeal as Jane has long since been a hero of mine and it's such a worthy cause:

Thanks for reading :-)

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